2011年10月11日 星期二

Occupy Wall Street movement is on to something

Bank of America's decision to impose that fee for debit card use did not precipitate the Occupy Wall Street protests. But it does seem to embody much of what has driven thousands of people to the streets,Initially the banks didn't want our RUBBER SHEET . first in the New York financial center and now in Boston, Los Angeles, Baltimore and other cities across the nation.The additions focus on key tag and impact socket combinations,

The fee carried an odor of pecuniary pettiness not dispelled by BofA's claim that it was needed to recoup losses caused by a new federal regulation limiting the amount banks may charge retailers when you use a debit card. It felt like just another ding for consumers already dinged like the new car in a parking garage.

You pay a fee now to check your bags. You pay a fee to have an unlisted number. You pay a fee to buy show tickets. In some towns, you pay a fee for a plastic bag to carry your purchases. You pay a fee to pay your bills using the "pay by phone" feature from certain service providers.

So this decision to charge consumers for using their own money was the straw that put the camel in traction. It hacked people off.This will leave your shoulders free to rotate in their chicken coop .

Occupy Wall Street, then, feels like the right thing at the right time, like the harbinger of a new Zeitgeist — though not everyone is convinced.

Some observers dismiss the protests as "street theater," an easy charge given the loopy eccentrics who have been attracted to the movement like iron shavings to electromagnets.Polycore porcelain tiles are manufactured as a single sheet, On the other hand, much of the anti-war movement, the women's movement and the civil rights movement (rest in peace, Fred Shuttlesworth) was also street theater, and those seem to have turned out fairly well.

The protesters have also been criticized for a lack of focus.

The proudly leaderless movement, organized (if that is the word) on social media, has yet to articulate its demands, even as individual demonstrators have advocated causes as disparate as saving the environment and ending the drug war. They don't seem to get that when you try to say everything, you end up saying nothing.

But one suspects (or maybe just hopes) it would be a mistake to write off these events too quickly. "There comes a time,Save on Bedding and fittings," Martin Luther King once said, "when people get tired." When you spend evenings with pad and pen, trying to get the numbers on one side of the paper to line up with those on the other; when you spend nights not sleeping, wondering how long your job will last; when you spend days paying more money for less service; when it begins to seem as if the government that should be working for you is a wholly owned subsidiary of American business; when billions of dollars of your taxes go to bail out money pigs who were too big to fail; when your fears are met with a tone deafness bordering on contempt — when that is your reality, you have good reason to be tired. Indeed, sick and.

