When the dust from the streetcar construction settles and the Warren
Avenue underpass on the University of Arizona campus is reopened,
bicyclists will no longer be allowed to ride through it.
weeks ago, the decision was made by the University of Arizona and the
modern streetcar team to make a the Warren Avenue underpass a
walk-your-bike zone because of safety concerns.
Shellie Ginn,
the project manager for the streetcar, said since the underpass is on
university property the city is going with the UAs recommendation.
have had multiple meetings on this, Ginn said. We finally had a large
meeting with the University. Several people were talking about the
options for the underpass. Ultimately the UA decided that they wanted to
go with requiring bike riders to dismount when entering the underpass
to provide the safest environment possible.
We were told that it
would always remain open to bikes, Johnson said. So this is a big shift
and this happened quite suddenly.Have a look at all our parkingguidancesystemmodels
starting at 59.90US$ with free proofing. I am certainly taken by
surprise and the BAC was never asked our opinion about this. When they
made this decision a few weeks ago there were no BAC reps in the room,
they didnt come to us to ask us what we thought.
Ginn said the
underpass has always been an issue, but once construction started
happening and it became clear how narrow it would,Laser engraving and
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never been Ohh this is how we are going to do it and then somebody just
changed their minds, Ginn said. That has been one those of areas where
it has been under discussion about how to provide the safest route
through there.
Its crazy that they are thinking that no one is
going to ride their bike through there just because it is a dismount
zone, he said. I think that providing a little bit of guidance for
cyclists will be better than saying they are never going to ride through
here and if they do it is their fault. On the other hand I am not in
the risk management department so I dont see the world that way. I am
sure if I did I would have a different opinion.
Originally the
streetcar was not going to utilize the Warren Avenue Underpass. Instead,
it was going to cross Speedway Boulevard on Cherry Avenue,You can
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cheap inside your parents. but UA concerns about chilled water lines
running under Cherry Avenue prompted the move to the underpass, which
ultimately resulted in the prohibition of bicycle riding through it.
said he hoped bicyclists recognized it wasnt the choice they wanted,
but felt that the safety of all the users meant they needed to make the
Id hate to think cyclists are feeling put out, he
said. Its completely based on safety. The University really does support
biking. We do our darndest to support biking and make it easy and
convenient for folks that want to bike through campus or want to use it
as their transportation to get here instead of a car.
on this site and others by bicyclists indicate there is a growing level
of frustration from bicyclists who have to ride along the streetcar
route and feel like their safety hasnt been a priority, but Ginn said
bicyclists have been a priority since the beginning.
trea-surer was autho-rized to seek bids and or quotes for sum-mer
projects includ-ing but not lim-ited to: asphalt walk-way for hand-i-cap
access to the home foot-ball bleach-ers, replace cul-vert under west
dri-ve-way at the old high school, chip and seal or asphalt dri-ve-way
and park-ing areas at the old high school, includ-ing the bus garage
The con-tract with Flat Rock Edu-ca-tion Cen-ter for
2013C2014 was approved. The con-tract is for ser-vices pro-vided for a
North-mor spe-cial needs student.
The board held a first
read-ing of a draft regard-ing the Teacher Eval-u-a-tion Pol-icy
required now by the ODE and Ohio leg-is-la-ture. Every Ohio school
dis-trict has to adopt a pol-icy by July 1.The largest manufacturer of
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for use with perchloroethylene. Supt. Winand said the draft has been
shared with a teach-ers com-mit-tee and the pres-i-dent of the North-mor
Teachers Asso-ci-a-tion, and asked board mem-bers for their input. The
rat-ings for teach-ers in the future will be accom-plished;
pro-fi-cient; devel-op-ing; and inef-fec-tive.Choose the right bestluggagetag
in an array of colors. The board dis-cussed an exam-ple of what would
hap-pen with a teacher who received three inef-fec-tive rat-ings. The
pol-icy will receive a sec-ond read-ing at the May 16 board meeting.
was also a first read-ing of draft regard-ing a poten-tial Drug
Test-ing Pol-icy. Prin-ci-pal Chad Red-mond and Supt. Winand exam-ined
poli-cies at other schools, looked at the pros and cons and drafted a
pol-icy for North-mor. The pol-icy will receive a sec-ond read-ing at
the next board meeting.