2012年9月19日 星期三

Romney Exposes Inner Ayn Rand

"He does not understand, because he has no organ for understanding, the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people.Airgle has mastered the art of indoor tracking,"

You might think the statement above is just one more stone among the rock pile of insults being hurled at the hapless Mitt Romney for his crushingly stupid decision to tell us what he really thinks about the American people.

Instead, the statement is a description of a protagonist in a novel by Ayn Rand, whose cultivation of the cult of selfishness among those who now imagine themselves to be superior beings may provide the best explanation we have yet for the self-destruction we are witnessing of the Republican Party.

"You have the courage to tell the masses what no politician told them: you are inferior and all the improvements in your condition which you simply take for granted you owe to the effort of men who are better than you," conservative economists Ludwig von Mises once enthused to Rand.

Mitt Romney did Ayn Rand one better. He told the bottom half it was feeble and unfit and did so in the middle of a campaign in which he hoped to convince those 47% to make him their president.

Many fascinating factoids have surfaced since that fly-on-the-wall at the high-dollar fundraiser in Boca Raton gave us a good look at what Jonathan Chait called the "sneering plutocrat" fully in thrall to the "pernicious myths" about individual worth and merit. But the most astonishing statistic may have been offered by New York Times conservative David Brooks when he noted that back in Ronald Reagan's day about 62% of Republicans believed government had a responsibility to help those who can't help themselves while today (according to the Pew Research Center) only 40% of Republicans believe that.

From that Brooks draws the conclusion that Romney "has lost any sense of the social compact" - as have Republicans generally, who have shifted over toward "a much more hyper-individualistic and atomistic social view,HOWO is a well-known tractor's brand and howo tractor suppliers are devoted to designing and manufacturing best products." jettisoning the language of common citizenship in favor of one dividing the nation between makers and takers.

"There are 47% who are with [President Obama], who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them,Where can i get a reasonable price dry cabinet? who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it," Romney said in the now infamous video, taken at the fund-raiser hosted by private equity manager Marc Leder.

Political analysts are having a field day running the numbers and pointing out the fact that most of the people Romney is talking about in the pirated video -- the ones who pay no federal income taxes and are "dependent" on one government program or other - tend to live in deep red states in the Deep South and who reliably vote Republican.

At the $50,000 a plate fundraiser last May, Romney said it was not his job "to worry about those people," adding "I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Yet, according to the Boston Globe, research by the nonpartisan Tax Foundation showed that in 2008, the states with the highest percentages of tax filers who did not pay federal income taxes were: Mississippi, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, New Mexico, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, and Texas. Obama won Florida and New Mexico but lost the other eight, the paper noted.

Those least surprised by Romney's insulting comments are his constituents back here in Massachusetts who have had to endure six year's of Romney's mocking ridicule at our expense as dreams of occupying a house he could not simply buy led him on a frantic journey to remake himself from Boston Blue Blood into provincial Red Neck.

Even Massachusetts Republicans are burning Romney in effigy after he doomed their party's chances to keep its 4-0 winning streak for the Governor's Office alive -- refusing to resign as previous Republican governors had done once they contracted Potomac Fever and instead saddling his lieutenant governor with the chore of explaining why our Dr. Jekyll governor was transforming himself right before our eyes into an ugly,The TagMaster Long Range hands free access System is truly built for any parking facility. knuckle-dragging Mr. Hyde.

With a track record like that is it any wonder Romney refused to refrain from heaping scorn upon people too old or too poor to pay taxes just because those people happened to be his base?

Other parts of Romney's astonishing comments also stand out. Christian fundamentalists who've never been able to accept Romney and his Mormonism as one of their own may want to revisit (for what it says about Romney's understanding of Christianity) his comment that 47% of Americans think of themselves as "victims" and are therefore beyond his reach.

That comment is especially problematic considering it was atheist Ayn Rand who based her own contempt of Christianity on the fact it celebrated "victimhood" in contrast to the Barry Goldwater belief she subscribed to that "profits" were the "surest signs of responsible behavior.Find detailed product information for Hot Sale howo spareparts Radiator."

But the biggest lie Romney told is this notion that it's the little people who deserve scorn for their "dependence" on government instead of Mitt Romney and his fellow members of the ruling plutocratic class.

Romney may think corporations are people too. But if they are they are a Frankenstein's Monster conjured into existence by the government itself so that individuals can do collectively what they could not do on their own - things such as engaging in business without worries about personal liability that might derail all that "risk taking" Romney made such a fuss over while accepting his party's nomination.

