2011年7月15日 星期五

Industry welcomes lifting of B-Nine re-entry restrictions

Bedding and other ornamental plant growers have welcomed an official label change to horticultural plant growth regulator B-Nine SG.
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The change means that it can now be used without observing a re-entry restriction introduced 18 months ago.I have never solved a Rubik's magic cube . The restriction ranged up to eight days,There are RUBBER MATS underneath mattresses, depending on the crop.As many processors back away from offshore merchant account ,

Alan Horgan, technical officer at crop protection company Certis, said: "The change has been wholeheartedly welcomed by bedding plant producers and other ornamental growers and marks a major step forward for the functional use of this important product."

The change was achieved following studies to demonstrate there were no adverse effects on workers re-entering the crop.Justin probierte ein Paar von schwarzen billabong boardshorts , "B-Nine SG is currently the only formulation of daminozide that offers growers a zero day re-entry solution for growth regulation," said Horgan.

"What this means is that growers can go about day-to-day nursery operations after treating with B-Nine.then used cut pieces of rubber hose garden hose to get through the electric fence."

