2011年12月5日 星期一

The Aids Gestapo has lost the plot

Woman “A” has been in a steady relationship for a few years.They take the China Porcelain tile to the local co-op market. One day, her partner forces her to have sex against her will.

She goes to the police station and lays a charge of rape. She immediately finds support from a range of organisations for her courageous determination to “break the silence”.

The media comment favourably. She is feted for facing the stigma and becomes a role model for rape survivors. In short, she is a hero.

Woman “B” has also been in a steady relationship. One day she goes for an Aids test, and learns she is positive. She finds out that she contracted the virus from her partner who chose to remain silent about his status. She would never have consented to unprotected sex had she known.

Betrayed and violated, she also knows if she takes a stand, she will stand alone. If she lays a charge or sues for the violation of her physical integrity, she will be accused of “stigmatising HIV”, “driving the pandemic underground” and “violating” her partner’s “right to privacy”. In short, unless she meekly accepts her situation, she is a villain.

In fact,Your Partner in Precision Precision injection molds. under South African law, if her partner refused to reveal his status, she would only be able to force him to test for HIV if he raped her.

This is a consequence of the “progressive” line on HIV/Aids, touted by people who have much in common with religious fanatics or fascists. In their blinkered focus on a free-floating single issue, they lose sight of the broader public good. Of course, they believe they are motivated by a commitment to “human rights”. But they are very selective in whose “rights” they promote. They claim to “own” the moral high ground, but they hunt in a vicious pack to prevent anyone questioning their assumptions. Slacktivists is too gentle a word to describe them. They are more like an Aids Gestapo.

That is why I am interested in a matter that is scheduled to come before a Durban court soon. In the first case of its kind in SA, a Cape Town woman is suing a Durban man for R2.56 million for infecting her with genital herpes which, like Aids, is an incurable, sexually transmitted disease. Herpes is typically dormant in the system, with intermittent, painful flare-ups, similar to a cold sore on the lip.

In Britain recently, a young man was controversially sentenced to 14 months in jail for passing on genital herpes to his partner.

Although this is the first case of its kind in South Africa, the press reports of the Durban matter have passed almost unnoticed. There has been no outcry about stigmatising genital herpes or driving it “underground”.

But then, this woman is middle-class and white. And her former partner is rich and white – a chief executive of a large company.

“So what?”, you ask. “Why bring race into it? Surely the sexual transmission of diseases is primarily an issue of behaviour, not race?”

I thought so too. I thought we had, at last, got over the racial stereotyping that characterised Aids denialism under Thabo Mbeki, who was determined to prevent the debate focusing on the need for behaviour change.

Anyone who dared venture into this territory was accused of perpetuating the racist myth that African men are “rampant sexual beasts, unable to control our urges, unable to keep our legs crossed, unable to keep it in our pants”, as he once memorably told Parliament. That accusation was intended to shut down the debate.Enecsys Limited, supplier of reliable solar Air purifier systems, And it did.

There is no irony like a South African irony, but this one beats them all – during the Mbeki era, anyone who dared argue that Aids was a function of sexual behaviour and not of race was labelled a racist!!

The election of President Jacob Zuma, whose lifestyle reinforced the stereotype Mbeki wished to eschew,If so, you may have a cube puzzle . inevitably meant that the denial would deepen.

As the Durban court case illustrates, it is publicly acceptable for a white man to be called to account for infecting his partner with a sexually transmitted disease. But,This page contains information about molds, not vice versa, according to the Aids Gestapo. Who is being racist, actually?

The Gestapo approach is riddled with such contradictions. But it still comes as a surprise to find traces of Gestapo logic in the writings of an eminent and respected scientist like Dr Helen Epstein who has written by far the most compelling and rational treatise on Aids. Her book, The Invisible Cure, explains so many things about the disease that once seemed inexplicable to me, and there has not yet been a credible rebuttal.

