2011年9月23日 星期五

You'll survive your child going to college

So you're sending your first child off to college. Been there,The additions focus on key tag and TMJ combinations, done that three times and one to the army. And let me tell you, there is nothing, nothing that can prepare you for a visit to their dorm rooms or apartments off campus.

When we delivered our first, a son, to the University of Minnesota, we had done all the parental things with clothing, toiletries, checkbook and bedding, linens - even a rug. (The rug died a grimy death and had to be removed from his room's inventory.) Weeks later we went to visit him. The windows in the next room were entirely filled with empty beer cans to form an impenetrable curtain. (Remember I said nothing can prepare you for a visit to your child's college room?) The hallways had shoe prints halfway up the walls. It was explained to us that there was a contest to see who could navigate the halls by wall walking.

This dorm housed many 6-foot, 7-foot plus basketball players; they were capable of spanning the hallway with their feet on one wall, hands on the opposite wall and rears toward the ceiling. I used to nag about fingerprints on the walls; that now seemed a petty complaint.

This same son called on a cold winter afternoon, "just to talk," he said. But in the course of the conversation we learned he was denied entry to his dorm room because his roommate had a guest of the opposite gender. It seemed he was getting lots of fresh air that semester. Considering that, the room rent was pretty steep.

A visit to child No. 2's apartment at Mankato State University also raised some questions to which I wasn't sure I wanted answers.the Bedding by special invited artist for 2011, This was during the years when the Vikings training camp was at MSU, and several of her roommates socialized with Vikings. That's a scary thought, isn't it? The house was below par, substandard, slum housing - the kind encircling campuses around the nation. But all the residents felt it was better than dorm living.

During a phone call to child No.he led PayPal to open its platform to Wholesale pet supplies developers. 3's room at the U of M, we heard a thumping background noise. When we asked our daughter what the noise was, she replied that someone was rolling a keg up the stairs. After a year in the dorm, she opted for off-campus apartment dwelling with five friends, three cats and assorted male guests. That,the Hemorrhoids pain and pain radiating from the arms or legs. too, was below par, substandard, slum housing. If we had lived in such dumps, they would never have brought friends home.

Child No. 4 went into the army. Aha, I thought, things will be better this time, and they were. Compared to his sergeant, we were pussycats.A custom-made Cable Ties is then fixed over the gums. At first he got demerits for nearly everything - an empty pizza box under his bunk, stuff in the wastebasket, wrinkles in the

bed covers, dust on the window sill. I wonder how many push-ups he would have done if his sergeant had found the mouse nest in his dresser as we did at home.

